Modern Walking Bass Technique Pdf
Walking Bass for Jazz and Blues is a complete method to help beginners master each element of Blues and Jazz walking bass. It is designed to develop strong harmonic skills, rhythm, phrasing and note choice.
Modern Walking Bass Technique Pdf
While your ultimate goal may be to become the next Jaco Pastorius, this book will teach you the roots of the essential walking bass style. It will help you build the foundational arpeggios scales and chromatic approaches you need to walk like a pro and groove like your favorite bass players.
In the left hand we play a simple walking bass. Above the keys we have the sheet music. We'll start out easy with exercise 1 and then the exercises get more advanced as we move along. We'll use simple 3 finger hand grips. Simple Music is often the best Music!
Description: With a simple musical PHRASE (lick) as basis material we learn to improvise a COMPLETE JAZZ SOLO.We'll do a lot of useful JAZZ EXERCISES and by the end of this music lesson you can play along to a BACKING TRACK (made for the occasion)and try out the techniques together with drums, bass and Rhodes piano voicing.
Description: We do NOT just play ONE MODE while improvising jazz. We play POLY MODAL. We constantly shape our sound into nice progressions and intertwined flavors by using the MELODIC MINOR MODES. The technique in use has a classical analogy and is inspired by pianist BÉLA BARTÓK and the term "POLYMODAL CHROMATICISM".Thank you so much to NIKOLAI NOREVIK MYKLEBUST from Norway for his great help making a modal drum&bass backing track in F. We use the backing track throughout the entire video to play along. And by the end of the video the backing track is running solo so you can try out the techniques without me interfering... Nikolai has the talent to create an open organic jazz sound - perfectly suited for us to live out our poly modal playground.
Modern Improvisation for Bass, published by Alfred Music Publishing, covers a range of topics, including broadening music vocabulary with modes, altered harmony, and chord substitutions, creating walking bass lines, using pedal tones and chordal arpeggios, and expanding soloing possibilities.
Our final approach uses half steps and whole steps to create a more melodic sounding accompaniment. The bass line is constructed using the following formula: Root, up whole step, up half step, up half step. As a result, I wind up approaching each root from a half step below. After walking upward by steps for a couple chords, I will need to step downward to remain in the same register of the piano. Notice below how I walk down the C Major scale in measure 15. In measure 16 I begin walking up the C Major scale again, but I am careful to omit the F in the stepwise pattern because it causes an undesirable dissonance.
Walking Bass for Jazz Guitar distils over 40 years of virtuosity and skill into one beautiful jazz guitar book. Learn from the internationally acclaimed master of jazz chord melody guitar as he teaches you, step-by-step, how to play walking basslines on guitar and combine them with rock solid rhythm guitar chords.
Joe Dart is a modern day bass phenom. His fingerstyle funk bass grooves are at the heart of the Vulfpeck sound and Dean Town is the MUST KNOW bass line of the modern era in much the same way that Teen Town has been a bass players rite of passage since the original Jaco Pastorius recording with Weather Report in 1977.